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Odkryj prawdziwą esencję SIEBIE!

Dołącz do czołowych światowych mentorów, którzy podpowiedzą Ci, jak pokonać stres, strach, rozproszenie uwagi, traumę (i wiele więcej), abyś mógł prowadzić życie oparte na miłości do samego siebie, czystej świadomości
i celu.






Spotkaj swoich mentorów na flow!summit 2024

Nie bez powodu flow!summit jest największym wydarzeniem roku poświęconym wewnętrznemu dobrobytowi.

Można by pomyśleć, że to ze względu na zmieniającą życie mądrość ponad 50 wiodących światowych ekspertów i mentorów duchowych. Lub praktycznych narzędzi, medytacji i strategii, które otrzymasz, aby żyć w przepływie.

Ale tak naprawdę to dlatego, że możemy zjednoczyć niezwykłą globalną społeczność…

….Ludzie gotowi uwolnić swój prawdziwy potencjał.

….Ludzie gotowi zaakceptować swoje autentyczne ja.

…Ludzie tacy jak Ty!

Jesteś sercem i duszą flow!summit i nie możemy się doczekać, aż zobaczysz, co dla Ciebie przygotowaliśmy.

Spójrz poniżej na niesamowitą listę światowej klasy prelegentów, których zebraliśmy dla Ciebie w tym roku…

Dr Joe Dispenza

Eckhart Tolle

Bruce Lipton

Anita Moorjani

Bradley Nelson

Deepak Chopra

Gregg Braden

Alberto Villoldo

Marcela Lobos

Adam Dębowski

Neale Donald Walsch


Anna Hamela

Dr. Gabor Maté

Natalia Jefimowa

Frank Kinslow

Łukasz Gotowicz

Marianne Williamson

Magdalena Zamaro

Louise Hay

Scott Schwenk

Barbara Ravensdale



Riya Sokół

James Nestor

Marie Diamond

Wojciech Bajer

Riya Sokół

Nick Vujicic

Ken Honda

Dorota Puzio


Christian Bischoff

Edyta Wójcik

Anthony William

Edyta Wójcik

Grażyna Adamska

Gordon Smith

Milena Gołda

Michał Sikorski

Lee Caroll & Monika Muranyi

Kamila Stolarczyk

Dagmara Ziniewicz

Krzysztof Mikulski

Barry Goldstein

Iwona Majewska Opiełka

Baldagon Ras

Howard Martin

Wayne Dyer

Izabela Kopp Pietrzak

S.H Dalai Lama

Riya Sokół

Adam Bytof

Zaczynamy razem 20.05.2024 r. Odliczamy razem! Pozostało:








Connect. With You.

Connect. With Others.

Connect. With the Flow of Life.

Here’s what’s waiting for you!

You might feel stuck in life. But that’s ok, we all get stuck. It doesn’t mean you’re trapped forever. The life you truly want. The potential you know you hold inside. Is waiting patiently for you. This is your time to unlock your true self. Over seven days you’ll get to access life changing wisdom which will help you connect with your authentic self and live the life of flowing ease, abundance, and joy you deserve.

Mindset Coaching with Christian Bischoff

Every day will be kicked off with a powerful coaching session from professional speaker and expert on peak performance, Christian Bischoff. Throughout the flow!summit Christian will help you discover how you can become a creator in your own life.

7 Days of Inspiration

With up to [five] different speakers to choose from each day, there’s no shortage of inspiration on your journey to flow! You get to decide which speakers resonate with you and where you’re at on your journey right now. You’re free to choose which content you want to enjoy each day.

Experience Flow in Action

Through practical exercises and meditations from this year’s flow!summit mentors, you will be able to see and feel the benefits of their teachings in your life. You’ll walk away with tools you can use for life.


Since the flow! summit. I take more time for myself and my well-being and that has a nice effect on my family.

“The flow! summit is very versatile. I was able to broaden my horizons in many ways and also found great topics for my relationship. The flow! summit was really an enrichment again. Thanks!”

Since the flow!summit I do yoga and meditate every morning. I received many useful tips that I actively incorporate into my life and met new speakers who continue to accompany me through their guided meditations on YouTube.”

Easy to Join. 100% Free!

Register with your name and email. Absolutely free!

Receive video posts every day for 7 days starting [insert date]

Discover the life-changing wisdom and practices of world renowned mentors.

Become a flow!summit [insert date] affiliate partner!

We created an affiliate program specifically for you! Sign up as an affiliate partner and receive a commission for every package sold.

Frequently Asked Questions

Immerse yourself in the unbridled current of your flow: let it carry you to a place of abundant joy, purpose and peace.

How do I register?

Register with your name and email address in the registration form at the top of this page. That’s it!

When and where does the summit take place?
The summit is 100% online and you can enjoy it in the comfort of your own home. After your registration has been confirmed, you will receive an email every morning, starting [insert date] until [insert date] with a link to the video of the day.
How long will the video be available?
You will have access to the video content for 48 hours – FREE of charge. You can view it on your desktop computer, smartphone, laptop or tablet. You will have the option to purchase all the content to watch at a more convenient pace.
Is participation 100% free?
Yes, participation is 100% free.
Is the content available in [insert language]?
All content is available with [insert language] voiceover and in the original recorded language with [insert language] subtitles.
Why are there so many speakers? I will never be able to get through it all.
We are aware that with this amount of video and audio content, it’s almost impossible to get through all of it in 7 days.

We want to offer you a buffet of content by the best speakers and teachers in the world so you can choose what resonates with you the most. In this way, you get to choose the spiritual path you would like to take.

To make your choice a little easier, we’ll give you a brief description of each video. We also recommend that you listen to or watch at least 2-3 minutes of each video so you can decide if you’d like to watch the rest.

How will I know which speakers are presenting on that day?
You will receive a summary of that day’s speakers in the email that will be delivered to your registered email address. Make sure you supply the correct email address and check your inbox every morning.
How can I tell my friends about this online summit?
Once you are registered, you’ll be able to share the details of this summit with others at the touch of a button. You even have the opportunity to be rewarded with great prizes for spreading the word.

All the details you need, will be shared with you once you are registered.

What topics will be covered in the summit?
All the content revolves around spirituality and personal growth. Here are a few of the topics covered:

  • Mindfulness
  • Recovery
  • Meditation
  • Sensitivity
  • Intuition
  • Shamanism
  • Angels
  • Motivation
  • Personal development

And much more…

I would like to promote the summit through my email list, social media network, high-traffic website. Do you have an affiliate program?
You can partner with us through our affiliate program. Register as an affiliate partner and you will receive a commission for every downloadable package sold. Find out more here.